October 14, 2017
Sunol, CA

Nicole & Matthew







October 14, 2017

Sunol, CA

How We Met

We both swiped right!

On April 30, 2014 we both swiped right. (Awkward pause) Sigh......Yes, we met on Tinder. While we may have started talking on April 30th, if anyone know's Matt you know that he has quite the social calendar which made it tough for a girl to schedule a date with the guy! Luckily with his sweet charm, crazy amounts of text messages, talk of county music concerts, camping and Tahoe he somehow managed to keep me interested long enough to wait until we finally had our first date on July 2. He took me to the Giants game in San Francisco, spoiled me with club level seats, kissed me in the stands, held my hand while we walked along the Embarcadero and made my heart skip a beat as I said goodnight to him and watched him waltz down the BART station stairs. I had that butterfly feeling I had just met someone pretty amazing.

The Proposal

Fast forward Two Years...

Two years to the day of our very first date Matt and I were headed up to Healdsburg to celebrate our 2 year anniversary. Wine tasting and lunch at one of our favorite wineries was the plan. We arrived at Truett Hurst Winery, one of Matt's favorites, and the perfect spot for a picnic lunch. The winery sits on a beautiful plot of land next to a creek with red adirondack chairs lining the water. We sat in the sun and enjoyed our lunch and a decent amount of wine before Matt suggested we go in the water. Me not knowing the master plan said "no thanks, I'm good". Matt finally convinced me to go in the creek and while I was twirling my feet in the cool water he was running up to shore to grab the ring. When I turned to get out of the water Matt was on one knee. It was there that he asked me to marry him, where I cried and said "no, no, no, this isn't happening" before it sank in and I said YES!.... and where our story truly begins...

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